Friday, October 2, 2015

My Shit Fuck Day

Warning:  there may be some swearing.  OK, OK...for sure there’s going to be, so if you need to avert your eyes because that’s not your bag, then I totally understand.  For those of you who don’t know me, I’m a petite five foot nothing little Asian girl with a mouth that could make the saltiest sailor blush.  It’s like swearing is my superpower...Superman has X-ray vision and superhuman strength, I can take down any mere mortal with some of the language that spills out of my mouth.  Now I’m going to hold back a bit today, but words are going to be said.

So sometimes you have crappy days.  Awful days.  Days where you would like to turn back the clock and start again because it sucked that bad.  These are what I like to call “shit fuck days”.  Monday was absolutely a shit fuck day.  I was feeling pissy because I seem to have been felled by a raging case of plantar fasciitis which makes me so angry…seriously, no one looks after their body more than me.  I do mobility stuff, I foam roll, I stretch every night without fail, and I have a team of what I like to call "staff" that look after everything below my neck so I can keep injuries at bay.  Nothing makes me more angry than being injured, and I was just getting through another round of my recurring rib issues. So stifling my pissiness, I slapped a shit eating grin on my face and went on with my day where the shit fuck continued on.  A massive dose of crap hit me as the day started and coloured my whole day.  Now most people tell me I always seem so calm.  Well, not on the inside!  Angry, upset and frustrated beyond belief, I made it through the day without killing anyone but it was close.  I had a session at the gym that night with my trainer, so even though the last thing I wanted to do was to work out (whiskey, anyone?), off I went.  Because squats and deadlifts, right?

I’m not gonna lie.  I was totally not in the mood.  My trainer is hilarious and keeps me entertained between sets with funny anecdotes of his life, but even that wasn't enough to make me want to go.  It's like he has ESP though or something because that session he was pushing me to up the ante so to speak, and wanting me to really lift and kept asking "is that heavy enough?"  I was still pissed off and mad but it was exactly what I needed!  The more I lifted, the better I felt and the pissoffedness I felt that morning was slowly dissipating with each rep.

And then a miracle happened.  As we headed up to the chin up bar, my trainer said "so you're going to try a bodyweight chin up".  Struck with fear, I doth protested and stared pleadingly into his big blue eyes with the saddest little face I could muster but he was having none of it.  I got my sad little face up on that stool and to my total surprise, was able to bang out a rep!  I wasn't a full chin up from a dead hang as my elbows were a bit bent, but it was pretty damn good for a first try.  A real chin up is within my grasp, I can feel it!!  It's been 15 months of building up enough upper body strength to heft my substantial body weight up but it's so, so close.

So what started off as a total shit fuck day ended up to be a pretty fucking awesome day because truly, truly...lifting heavy shit cures all.


1 comment:

Char said...

Go you! Exercise always helps.