Monday, May 17, 2010


This picture pretty much perfectly described what I've been feeling like - exhausted. For some odd reason, I've been really busy over the last while with lots of social events (believe me, I'm not complaining - I'm grateful I have wonderful friends), appointments and general busy-ness that comes with the nicer weather. I think that combined with my early morning workouts and long runs has me a bit burnt out. I was feeling a bit McSurly today (what my husband calls me when I'm cranky) and not really feeling myself. My BFF R. and I were both feeling the same way so we were commiserating after work today. Bleh.

Looking for a little bit of a lift, I thought I would check out a few blogs. Marlene from Mission to a(nother) Marathon ran her third full marathon on Sunday and did it in under four hours....3:58:56 to be exact! I was following her run yesterday so knew she had made her sub-4 hour goal so was itching to read her race report (which is still up, for those of you who are interested).

Well, I gotta tell ya - I was in tears the whole way through. I've followed her for awhile now and she totally inspires me. I've watched her progress from running a few kilometres on the treadmill to a marathon monster, smashing her goals along the way. The part that really got me choked up is that at the beginning of the race she wrote the word "Believe" on her hand with a black Sharpie, and she'd look at it when things got tough in the last few kilometres. Now how cool is that? I think I may just steal this trick.

Marlene - you rock.

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