Wednesday, December 29, 2010

TPC The Night Before Weigh In - Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease

OMG, am I ever tired.  I got up bright and early to head out to bootcamp this morning - and holy crap did the trainer kick our asses.  Like stomped on our butts...we did cardio pretty much the whole class and it was brutal.  Stairs, hills forward, hills backwards, sprints...OK, if I can't have Jillian Michaels, my trainer Christina is a pretty good facsimile.  She rocks.

After I got home I started in on my to do list - I'm sure it's not surprising to know that I'm a total list maker - I have to have lists for everything, in part because I love the feeling of crossing things off my list, in part because I'm a bit (OK a lot) anal...but mostly because in my old age I'm starting to really get forgetful.  So after a few days of chilling and doing pretty much nothing, my itch to dododogogogo started and I made a huge list of to-dos for myself - mostly which included cleaning the house from top to bottom.  I organized, I sorted, I scrubbed - no dust bunny was left unvacuumed!  I started at 8am and just finished now, almost eight hours later. I love the feeling of a clean, tidy house...and I'm hoping I burnt off a kajllion calories in the meantime as I was up and down the stairs (we live in a three level house) constantly...a built in stairmaster.  Ha! am I feeling the night before the weigh in?  I don't think I made the I posted yesterday, my weight is up from a week ago likely because of extra carbs and such eaten during Christmas.  Am I upset?  At first I was and I was whining to Hubs...and he said at least we didn't gain any weight, right?  And wasn't that really the goal?  That Hubs...such a wise sage. 

Anyways, the last chance plan is to do a final workout tomorrow morning, try to avoid drinking too much water and jet myself down to the studio to weigh in.  And...after I find out the results, a cupcake might just somehow land in my mouth.  Totally by accident though.  Heh.

Look out tomorrow for the results!

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