Saturday, November 20, 2010

TPC Week 3 - Down to the Wire's going to be tough to get the first five pounds I think. I can't believe it's been three weeks already!  Clothes are definitely feeling looser, but any movement on the scale is stalling.  Gah.  It didn't help that I had to go to Van on Thursday for a's hard eating well when I'm away from home.  I didn't eat as well as I have been and definitely didn't drink enough water - I'm parched and I'm puffy around the waist and eyes again.  I headed to the big city Thursday soon as I got in I went to the gym and worked out, and then headed up to my room to order up some dinner.  Hmmm...not a whole lot of healthy choices.  Why is that?!  I don't expect hotels to be totally low fat or anything but why is everything dripping in cream or butter?!  I ended up ordering a salad with salmon and prawns ($30!!!!  highway robbery!!!) and a butternut squash soup - which was delicious, but packed with cream.  Sigh.  Waste not, want not, right?  I ate it but left half.  Double sigh.  I hate wasting food.

The next day was harder.  I had a healthy breakfast of oatmeal, fruit and hard boiled eggs and I squeezed in  a workout in the morning.  Lunch was a bit more difficult to work around - it was pasta, pasta, protein.  I pretty much had to have the pasta otherwise I would have only had salad and that wasn't going to keep me full until I got home to Victoria at around 7:30.  So I gave in and ate the friggin' pasta.  But...I didn't have any dessert!  Go me.

Anyways, back on track again for next week - lots of water, balanced meals and gobs of exercise...first weigh in is Nov 27th, so look out for the results in a week!  Will she or won't she get her $50 back for 5 pounds?  Drumroll please....

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