Saturday, August 14, 2010

30K - Conquered!

Well - OK maybe I didn't exactly conquer 30K (errrh...don't look at how long it took me) but I don't think I've ever been as happy to finish a run as I was today.  We're back in a bit of a heat wave again, so my coworker M and I decided to meet up at 5:45am at the local Running Room.  I got up fairly easily as I had a pretty good sleep, and as I walked out the door the air was already warm - there was definitely no early morning chill in the air.  M is doing a half marathon clinic with the Running Room, so knew of a route that we could take that was going to be approx. 15K.  Off we went - and I gotta say, it was great to have company because as we chatted, the time went by incredibly fast.  We finished 14.5K at around 7:30am and I drove back to our usual little loop in hopes of catching Hubs.  As I was rounding the corner, there he was - perfect timing!

I ran a few loops with him...and after he left I decided to run along the main parkway that runs along our loop - BIG MISTAKE.  There was no cover from the hot, hot sun and I completely wilted.  Up to that point, I was feeling really, really good and super fresh.  I turned around and headed back to do our usual loop but I was already done for.   I was at about 24K and I thought am I going to finish this?

I ended up taking many, many walk breaks and drank all my water (BTW...loooove the Fuel Belt!!) and still felt really depleted.  I finally got to 29K and thought more kilometre to go....dig deep and finish this thing!  I was definitely shuffling along and was never so glad to hear my Garmin beep at the 30K mark.  IT WAS FINALLY OVER!  As I got in my car, the temperature gauge showed 27 degrees at 9:45, it was hot.

Soooo...needless to say I'm pretty exhausted right now.  Had a busy day after so no rest for the wicked - I got home, did a cold water bath, took a shower, went to visit with my besties to figure out our trip to see Michael Buble, car shopping with Hubs (we bought a new car today - Mazda 3 sedan...woot woot!), and dinner with my parents.  I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open and I'm sure I'll sleep pretty soun....zzzzzzzzzzzzz.....zzzzzzz...zzz.......

1 comment:

Hunnybee said...

Congrats on finishing it. You totally conquered it.

and OMG the Michael Buble concert will be awesome. Saw him here in Toronto and it was an amazing show(he likes to call it a party)