Friday, October 1, 2010

10 Days Blogging - Day Five

I was checking out how many days left for the race - eight days!  Hubs and I are going to do is do our runs which should take us to around 9:45-ish, go get ourselves tidied up as my office is very close to the finish line, and get back in time to watch the first batch of marathoners come in.  I have this compelling need to do this - I want to support all the runners, but especially the marathoners.  As the saying goes..."the marathon is the reward for your training"...and now that I've experienced marathon training (or at least most of it), I totally understand this sentiment, as odd as it sounds.  I admit - I'm going to get emotional when I see the first marathoner cross the finish line because I'll wish I were there too...but I'll get my chance one day soon!

OK, enough of the heartfelt, mushy sentiments!  Let's get onto the juicy stuff - Day Five is naming six things you wish you could change or you wish you’d never done...

  1. I wish I had discovered my love of exercise when I was younger.
  2. I wish I'd never started colouring my hair because now I'm a complete slave to it - darn grey hair!
  3. I wish I'd become a registered dietician instead of an accountant (bleh!).
  4. I wish I'd spoken up a lot more when I was younger.
  5. I wish I were a more forgiving person...I carry grudges with me forever, I find it very hard to forgive and forget. 
  6. I wish I didn't go on all those crazy diets when I was younger, because all it got me is a messed up metabolism.

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